Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fully Bummed

Well I am fully bummed. Santa called and said that there was not going to be a CHRISTmas. No not really, and no I definitely do not believe in Santa. I was going to go to the Grotto tonight, but I was hanging out with Dan, Anna, Laura, and Clairissa at the farm and got really dirty and sweaty and I forgot to bring a change of cloths. So I was not able to go. I really wanted to here the Lindekens sing again, but OH well. Did I spell your name wright?

I am fully borde wright now.

I am going to be it again, but with a now song have any of you ever herd of the song Fidelity?3. Is that haw you spell it? Well here are the lyrics if you haven't.


(Shake it up)

I never loved nobody fully

Always one foot on the ground

And by protecting my heart truly

I got lost in the sounds

I hear in my mind

All these voices

I hear in my mind all these words

I hear in my mind all this music

And it breaks my heart

And it breaks my heart

And it breaks my heart

It breaks my heart

And suppose I never met you

Suppose we never fell in love

Suppose I never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft

Suppose I never ever saw you

Suppose we never ever called

Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall

Just to break my fall

Just to break my fall

Break my fall

Break my fall

All my friends say that of course its gonna get better

Gonna get better

Better better better better

Better better better

I never love nobody fully

Always one foot on the ground

And by protecting by heart truly

I got lost

In the sounds

I hear in my mind

All these voices

I hear in my mind all these words

I hear in my mind

All this music

And it breaks my heart

It breaks my heart

I hear in my mind all of these voices

I hear in my mind all of these words

I hear in my mind all of this music

Breaks my Heart

Breaks my heart

OK, Wow that was a lot of typing.4. No I did not really type all of that.

5. OK I am really borde. Hey Rach, you still want to make that blog????? do you even read these?6.7. I had to take the garbage out. Wow I am fully borde. Oh, that is getting old. I am borde of bordism I am so borde. Thanks for the CD Rach. I was at you house all day and I did not even see you today I think that is a first.8.I am going to go research something so there will probably be a few # wright in a row. 9,10,11. OK, I can not think of anything els to say and you do not want me to say what is on my mind wright now. SO12


Wait there were no pics in this one, or the last on, or the one before that, and the one before that, I think. so here we go I will catch up.13. 14.
never mind


Jane said...

What are all the numbers for, Milly?
Why didn't you just put some random pic in? It works just fine for me.

Michael said...

it was fun last night you missed out john

JohnJohn said...

I listened to the song Fidelity that many times. You know that other blog that I posted, The one that had a bunch of #s on it. That was haw many times I listened to Watching You.

Jane said...

That's disgusting, Milly!

JohnJohn said...

Hey Josh, you are going to have to show me haw to get a picture on my profile sunday.

Josh said...


Michael said...


Josh said...

Well we didnt get around to it

Anonymous said...

Yump, you spelled our name RIGHT!!!